ESSA EDUCATIONAL AND CHARITABLE TRUST vide Regd No:-880/866 was established in the
year 2015 at Bhadrak by Mr Amiruddin and Mrs Sangupta Yasmin,an engineer and an
academic activist turned an outstanding teacher who shaped the career of many they
are playing pivotal role in expansion and innovation and it is their dream to establish
institution one by one by contributing in the area of practical training and their
vision is to establish a full fledged , well equipped coaching and training institute
to develop the young minds of the future generations to face the challllenges of
the competitive world.Here students get right motivation, direction and quality
education with scientific teaching methods using modern technologies to achieve
success.We so far believing the committed education in which both faculties and
students feel confident so that target to any competitive and board exams easier
.A pool of best and highly experienced faculties and teachers is created to help
the students focus on scientific studies with positive approach and optimum performance.